
Showing posts from December, 2018

What is Asp.Net MVC || Latest version of MVC

MVC MVC stands for  Model-View-Controller  is an architectural pattern that seperates in to three logical components.  ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that is integrated with the existing ASP.NET features 1)Model - Data related logic(Works b/w View and Controller) like db operations 2)View - UI logic(Final User Interact) 3)Controller - Business logic(Interface between Model and View) Versions in MVC MVC Version Visual Studio .Net Version Release date Features MVC 1.0 VS2008 .Net 3.5 13-Mar-2009 MVC architecture with webform engine Routing HTML Helpers Ajax Helpers Auto binding MVC 2.0 VS 2008, .Net 3.5/4.0 10-Mar-2010 Area Asynchronous controller Html helper methods with lambda expression DataAnnotations attributes Client side validation Custom template Scaffolding MVC 3.0 VS 2010 .Net 4.0 13-Jan-2011 Unobtrusive javascript validation Razor view engine Global filters Remote validation Depend

How to install and configure VBA - Excel Macros || VBA Developer

VBA - Excel Macros VBA  (Visual Basic for Applications) is the programming language of Excel and other Office programs. 1 Create a  Macro : With Excel  VBA  you can automate tasks in Excel by writing so called  macros . ... A loop in Excel  VBA  enables you to loop through a range of cells with just a few codes lines Step 1  − First, enable 'Developer' menu in Excel 20XX. To do the same, click File → Options. Step 2  − Click ‘Customize the Ribbon’ tab and check 'Developer'. Click 'OK'. Step 3  − The 'Developer' ribbon appears in the menu bar. Step 4  − Click the 'Visual Basic' button to open the VBA Editor. Step 5  − Start scripting by adding a button. Click Insert → Select the button. Step 6  − Perform a right-click and choose 'properties'. Step 7  − Edit the name and caption as shown in the following screenshot. Step 8  − Now double-click the button and the sub-procedure outline will be displayed as shown in the fol